Code of Conduct

Remember that all participants want to have fun & should feel safe & included at all times.

You must read and agree to the below Code of Conduct in order to participate in NMGS events.

Behave like a Hero: In Word & Deed

  • Unacceptable Behavior:
    Ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure your words & actions are not harmful to others, regardless of intent. Being abusive or otherwise harassing participants in any way is not permitted. This includes the following:

    • Threats &/or physical aggression
    • Using racial, gender, homophobic, transphobic, sexual, or cultural slurs
    • Dead naming or outing someone without consent
    • Inflammatory comments about either an individual’s or group’s identity
    • Unwanted advances (consent before physical contact is always expected)

If you are made aware that you’ve inadvertently crossed a line, apologize, stop the behavior being objected to, & reflect. (Actions mean more than intent.) Repeated violations will result in being banned from the Discord server, event, venue, & registering for events scheduled through New Mexico Gamers Society.

  • Discussion Etiquette:
    Let other participants speak & avoid talking over others. Allow others to get the Event Host’s attention when needed; remember you are not the only participant. This is especially important in virtual environments as it is harder for the host to be able to check in with those who are not as engaged. You are expected to conduct yourself appropriately so refrain from foul or inappropriate language & gestures, especially when directed at others. (Refer to Age-Appropriate Content for exceptions to mature topics.)
  • Age-Appropriate Content:
    When hosting or participating in an event where youth are present all participants will avoid vulgar, sexual, or mature language & themes (such as alcohol, narcotics, intimate relations, etc.) If your game has this content, or you desire it to only be available to adults, please be clear when writing the description to register your event, so that participants are aware of the age limitation. If a youth misses these guidelines, you may have to ask them to leave.

Compose yourself as a Hero: Attending Events

  • Gear & Rations:
    When attending in-person events, be responsible for your own belongings. If it’s important to you, don’t leave it unsupervised. At the same time, if it is not yours, don’t touch it without permission. If the venue is a business, items in stock are for sale & not for use until purchased. Refrain from actions that may cause damage to the venue’s property (such as chairs or tables). While coordinators may have materials available for use, it may be good to have funds to purchase your own personal use items (i.e. dice, books, miniatures, etc.) Food is generally not provided but may be available for sale at the venue. We should support any business that hosts events with purchases whenever possible.
  • Cleanliness & Attire:
    When attending in-person events, be respectful of the venue where the event is being held. Refrain from making a mess & clean up after yourself. All participants should practice some basic level of personal hygiene to not have offensive body odor. Also, remember some participants may be sensitive to strong scents so please avoid excessive colognes, perfumes, or strong-smelling sprays. Ensure that your clothing is appropriate, primarily meaning no offensive language or artwork being displayed on clothing, hats, bags, etc. Remain properly attired while in public. Wherever our venue might be, remember that we are guests & should behave in a respectful manner.

Take Action: Calling the Guard

  • What to do:
    If you feel you are in an unsafe or hostile environment notify the Event Host or a Moderator immediately. If you notice disruptive or hostile behavior, make those responsible aware of their actions. If you are uncomfortable confronting a disruptive or hostile participant notify the Event Host. If the Event Host does not respond appropriately, or is the one being disruptive or hostile, notify either one of our Moderators or the Admin team. To discuss the matter, you can either reach out to our Moderators in the discord (they will all have the role of Moderator) or you can email the Administrators by going to our website & selecting Contact Us for other options.
  • Our Response:
    When an issue has been reported we will keep the source of the report confidential when possible but will address the issue directly with the suspect participant. Event Hosts, Moderators, & Administrators have the right to ask disruptive or hostile participants to leave an event. If needed, Administrators may also remove any Event Host that causes issues. Disruptive or hostile individuals will get one warning, which will include guidance on how to correct the issue. Repeat violators will be banned from the server, event, or venue, as well as from registering for any events scheduled through the New Mexico Gamers Society.
  • Younglings:
    Remember that Event Hosts, Moderators & Administrators are not childcare providers. When attending in-person events anyone under 15 needs to bring adult supervision to either join them as a participant or at least to be an active observer. Regarding virtual events, it is still the parent’s responsibility to monitor their child’s internet activities.

Treasure: Tipping & Donations

  • Tips for Event Hosts:
    While events are conducted at no cost to the participants, please be aware that Event Hosts, Admins, & Moderators are all unpaid volunteers. Many spend a significant amount of both time & money preparing for events. When possible, we encourage participants to tip their hosts using the tipping method listed for the events that they join. Recommended tips are between $5-10 per session for each participant. If you have had a great time & can afford to do more, it is always appreciated. While a few dollars may not seem like much, it adds up & helps cover many costs that Event Hosts might incur.
  • Donations for NMGS:
    New Mexico Gamers Society provides resources for event coordination and a platform for event hosts to connect with members of the New Mexico gaming community at no charge but donations for administrative costs via the donate link on the website are always appreciated. All proceeds from the sales of NMGS branded merchandise will also go towards these administrative costs.


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